A beautiful magical rarity for young and old, a ~Rhodochrosite Egg~ Gemstone / Crystal / Sphere / Ball / Massage Ball / Game Ball / Meditation Object / Calming Ball
Size: 45 x 33 mm
Weight: 87 grams
The effect of the stone should be felt in the entire circulation in the body. He allegedly helps the pancreas, spleen and against digestive problems. Diseases of the respiratory tract are to be treated with it as well as the lungs and diabetes, acne and kidney disease. It should also strengthen the heart and be good for eyesight.
Indian traditions state that the rhodochrosite is a protective stone. It unfolds its effect through the heart chakra and extends to the root and sexual chakra. He also sensitizes people to interpersonal relationships and solves internal blockages. He is a harmony stone with all other precious stones that serve for healing purposes. The bull in particular is assigned to this stone, whereby it also gives off a little of its shine to other signs of the zodiac. He opens his eyes to reality to cancer; he also increases his self-confidence. The rhodochrosite is suitable for meditation.
Rhodochrosite brings closer to self-knowledge and helps in the transformation of one's own life. It reveals new perspectives and solves fears, depression or uncertainties. With the rhodochrosite more joie de vivre is achieved again, which makes it happier, cheers it up and ultimately gives more harmony and balance. Through the change in emotional burdens and a freer head, it gives creativity, activity and one's own needs enough leeway. This healing stone brings openness to new things, thus stimulates love for the environment and also increases feelings and sexuality. In this way, however, rhodochrosite also offers more protection against damage to reputation.
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"A stone is the condensed history of the universe"
~Art of Nature Berlin~